The Course

A horoscope, which is created according to these criteria, could be m. E. Dean Ornish M.D may also support this cause. Justice of the claim that it probably closely matches the character of this people. Because the explanations and interpretations within the I find Astrology (not to be confused with the vulgar astrology) high scientific and systemic correctly. Only the accuracy of determining the time of birth, which use the most or most astrologers do this, should be in accordance with the formulated here to illuminate. At least in those cases where a cesarean section or painkillers role play(ED). I hereby propose therefore to calculate, in which the first relevant to the study or decisive woe is noted and recorded, a large new study, the each horoscope according to the time of day and the astrological calculation focuses each only after this.

At the same time parallel the real birth times recorded later to make comparisons. Not wrong, I would also, if also the moment of procreation, as far as known, incorporated with in the records, to identify relevant here to highly interesting correlations. Not a few horoscopes match but contrary to belief partly propagated or nachgeplapperter the character and nature of the person, which create a horoscope left. While the results on any transfer are not. Who claims that, like m.

E. somewhere have written off, that it is and have not even convinced himself. These matches can be explained partly so that in the course of hours a day or night, from time to time always again similar appropriate force field conditions return, with some small deviations from the actually appropriate moment. If you have an analytical aptitude (what Virgin most closely fits the star character) genetically real child, so there is mercury, which also fits into the appropriate House (for example, in the third) for example, apart from the moment perceived as precisely fitting Virgin plays an important role, slightly delayed here as an alternative.