Second Athletes

Graph 6 represents the results of the posturais evaluations of the athletes. The first column of graph 6 represents the average of canostas that they had presented cifose torcica, being 7 of 9 athletes, in a 89% total. The second column represents a number of 3 athletes (33%) with cifose cervical. The third column illustrates 4 athletes (44%) with lordose accented. In the fourth column, it can be observed that 7 athletes (77%) had presented escoliose. The fifth and last 6 column presents canostas (66%) with depression of left shoulder. Quarrel Second (Magee, 2002), ' ' the correct position is the position in which a minimum of estresse is applied in each articulao' '. Already (Palmer and Apler, 2000) they say wants ' ' the correct position consists of the alignment of the body with efficiencies physiological and maximum biomechanic, what it minimizes estresses and the overloads suffered to the system of support for the effect from gravidade' '.

Leaving of these principles and that ' ' the injuries can take the athlete to lose part or all training and competition or to limit its ability atltica' ' (Gantus and Assumpo, 2002), (It hisses, 2008), we can affirm that decurrent pains of injuries influence negative in the performance of the athletes, considering that is the data gotten in this study, understand that it is of utmost importance a bigger attention how much the incidence of pains and injuries between the athletes who practise the modality canoe. The high loads of volume and intensity in the training, considering muscular overloads descompensatrias derived from the unilateral remana, result in muscular asymmetry. (Tribastone, 2001) it says that any generated disequilibrium of force and tension in the vertebral column causes what posturais shunting lines are called. .