Mouth Materials

Board of Trustees perfect dentures (KpZ): risk increases with the number of used materials modern dentistry and dentistry offer many different options adhesives, cements, impression materials, plastics, and ceramics to amalgam, gold, titanium and alloys (mixes of different metals). It happens that a patient has up to twenty different materials in the mouth. This increases […]

The Jonen Hearing

50 listen specialists visited leading hearing aid manufacturers when it comes to good listening and to the supply of modern hearing instruments, the know-how and the demands on the quality not high enough might. At least over 50 look specialists, who work in the stores the Jacobs hearing acoustic mean. To learn directly from the […]

The Family

Since then I wear that bion-pad during the day in the Office. So I feel just balanced, even if it is even stressful.” For several years, the twelve-year old Lisa suffers severe hay fever. Especially in early summer she wakes up early in the morning with a clogged nose and itchy eyes. You no longer […]

Chinese Medicine

Moxa therapy of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is Moxakraut (Mugwort herb) in over acupuncture points burned to eliminate Kaltesymtome in the body that old system of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is thousands of years is also in the West their way is gaining among us more and more. And although the traditional Chinese is very […]