Orell Fussli Zurich

The customers flee and from doing what hardly anyone, however, the sight, out of mind. This proverb sums up what is currently practised in the sales with regard to lost customers: lost customers are lost customers. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Parkinsons. Or they are called index body ‘ deleted from the database. Only 12 percent of all companies operate a systematic customer recovery management. 35 percent deal at all with the theme. And 53 percent do not more than occasionally. This is the result of a representative survey of 300 senior executives of the German economy in the framework of the excellence barometer 2009. This is a very dubious result says Anne M.

Schuller, an expert in loyalty marketing and initiator of the study. “” Because companies are dealing increasingly with a new phenomenon: the fleeing customers. “Although the classic customer acquisition that is by far most expensive acquisition measures, most of the resources flow paradoxically there”, so the consultant next. Existing customers have therefore often feel, only second class ‘ to be. So pull them angrily and walk away disappointed.” When the customer recovery result, so the qualified expert, two starting points: the migration management with the aim of Abwehrens or the withdrawal of terminations and revitalization management for the purpose of recovery of abandoned or dormant business relationship. In the District of ex customer considerable revenue potential lies dormant.

It is, if you know how to do it to get back not only cheaper, but also lighter, cracked off customers, rather than to acquire pure new customers.” The schedule-driven customer recovery can evolve into a key competitive advantage. In her book, come back! How they win back lost customers ‘, provides expert Schuller a five-step management process that shows how that works in a professional manner. Always the following must be however, so the author, primarily: the prevention of loss of the customer. Still better than It is natural to lose not only to reactivate lost customers. In saturated markets, the customer security and establishing a lasting customer loyalty have absolute priority. The book on the subject of Anne M. Schuller Come back! As you lost customers recover Orell Fussli Zurich, 2nd Edition 2007, 226 p., 26.50 euro / CHF 44.00 ISBN 978-3-280-05242-6 more info: the author Anne M. Schuller is a management consultant and considered to be the leading expert for loyalty marketing. The diploma in business administration and eight books and bestselling author is one of the most sought-after keynote speakers in the German-speaking world. You also works as a business trainer and teaches at several universities. You heard the excellent speakers’ to the circle. Her book customer proximity in the Executive Suite ‘ was awarded with the Swiss economy Book Prize 2008. The elite of the business is among its clientele.