Peru Waters

The tributaries of the river Amazon are placed enter the biggest rivers of the world. Some of them have barrentas waters being known as rivers ' ' brancos' ' (example: Juru, Turkeys, Wood and White). Others are deep and dark water rivers, calls rivers ' ' negros' ' , its dark exactly limpid waters possess […]

Study Of The Footstep

In center of Podologa of the podlogo Jose Manuel Bru the advanced studies more of the footstep, having the last technologies in the analysis of the movement are carried out. The experience of this center is of approximately 25 years and is run by one second generation of professionals specialized in own pathologies of the […]

Future Forum Journals

The Academy of the German book trade conference discusses future of magazines if professional media, audience magazine or newspaper print still represents the core business of publishing houses and media companies, has to fight but declining conditions and sales figures. To enhance your print business, therefore more and more technical and publishing put out indispensable […]