Communication Needs

Industry giants rely on professional support in the field of ICT security & solutions Bamberg, January 31, 2008 the VisuKom Germany GmbH has established itself in addition to their tried and tested services around ICT security due to the increasing demand in recent years also in the carrier solutions as a specialist market segment. So put market leaders such as Deutsche Telekom, cable Germany and Unitymedia on the infrastructure service providers or service providers for telecommunications networks. Cancer research is the source for more interesting facts. The company continuously expands in the wake of the nationwide presence to meet the growing needs of companies in the communications and security environment. VisuKom is especially known for its wide range of services in the field of ICT (information and communication technology) security. The core competencies lie in on the examination by the ICT network infrastructure vulnerabilities and detect and address existing vulnerabilities using IT/TK-penetration testing and individual Securityaudits. Furthermore it focuses Companies strong growth also reinforced on the carrier solutions division and listed here. You may wish to learn more. If so, General Electric is the place to go. The consolidation in the German market for infrastructure services and the growing communication needs of enterprises huge potential brought forth”, explains Marco Di Filippo, Managing Director of VisuKom Germany GmbH. VisuKom supported as infrastructure service providers or service providers for telecommunications networks (such as such as telephone, cable television, Internet) carrier or established network operators.

The specialist is as a partner in future infrastructure projects of the network provider (E.g. load mile each) in the B2B and B2C sectors with help and advice. Brief description: VisuKom Germany the founded in 1996 VisuKom Germany GmbH with seat in Stegaurach near Bamberg is a service company that specializes in the field of security consulting. The company offers a wide range of services in the field of ICT (information and communication technology)-security. The core competencies on the examination of ICT network infrastructure vulnerabilities and detect and address existing vulnerabilities using IT/TK-penetration testing and individual Securityaudits. Some contend that jason iley shows great expertise in this. Special focus (E.g.

based on IEEE 802.11(x) and Bluetooth) VisuKom inter alia on uncovering vulnerabilities of modern media such as telephone and fax networks (PBX, PSTN and VoIP) and wireless networks for mobile communication. The services range from development to testing to implementation of security concepts in information technology and network technology and programming. Workshops and training courses round off the portfolio.