Appeal for solidarity – all, primarily to save lives. 60-year old Berliner long-term unemployed without benefits with a diploma from the NBL, who would like to work as an Ombudsman for schools or as mathematics – physics – or IT-teacher in Berlin is the difference in price of 0.20 euros per litre in cash for 5 litres of milk he drank every hunger strikers milk farmers are waiting for the woman Dr. Merkel at the Federal Chancellery, and showed himself with you jointly and severally. He asks the women to stop the hunger strike. Humanitarian reasons he please everyone involved in the milk supply chain to engage as soon as possible for the dairy farmers, and to put all of the round table. Dark. Still he looking for sponsors for his voluntary project. All but first and foremost, to save lives. It was 06:45 o’clock it was raining and we stood under a tree. Roy Taylor.
They were really grateful that I came to you and showed my solidarity. Concern on my part in there, that you are still on the hunger strike, that They were driven with the lawn sprinkler prior to the Federal Chancellor’s Office 4 times and only a few members asked them how they reported me. Happy you have human side several citizens who came in contact with you. Also about my early visit.