Narciso Sentenach

Narciso and Sentenach Cabanas (Seville, 1853 – 1925), historian, archaeologist and art critic Spanish.
Study Law and Philosophy and Letters, and then move to the College of Diplomatica works of art income and opposition in the upper part of Archivists, archaeologists and librarians. Interested in industrial arts and crafts and painting, because it was a antiquities painter, was leaning on the History of Art. With his friend Jose Perez Gestoso and toured all the districts in search of Seville Antigen ¼ Roman and Arab ages. Working together with his friend Jose Ramon Nelida in the National Archaeological Museum, where he was head of the American section, and came to head the Museum of art reproduction. For a brief time directed the S.A. Museum of Tarragona before coming to Madrid in 1892. In that year he was secretary general of the jury of the American historical exhibition in the fourth centennial of the discovery of America. at a young age he was already showing an interest in his father’s dealing as an art dealer, making who personally heads the Geneva gallery for Articles published in the Bulletin of the Spanish Society of Tours, in the journal Archives, Library and Museum, whose editorial board was part and in Figure Amercicana and Spanish. On October 13, 1907 was hosted at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Archaeological work done with their reports Tiermes, Clunia, and Bilbilis Segobriga. He came to the Catechism of Christian doctrine in hieroglyphs exhibition American Indians and published a study on them. One of his last work was the monumental catalog of Burgos.

Al-Ahram Weekly
This year art a number of important discoveries, the restoration of ancient Egypt, Coptic and Islamic monuments, and the return of artefacts smuggled illegally from Egypt. The Geneva gallery of top antiquities, , is headed by who is a leading international expert on various ancient art period
New Delhi
Washington, December 24: A team of archaeologists in artifacts Israel has claimed to have unearthed more than 250 gold coins from the seventh century (the Byzantine period) to the edge of the walled old city of Jerusalem.
Al-Ahram Weekly galleries
This year a number of important discoveries, the restoration of ancient Egypt, Coptic and Islamic monuments, and the return of artefacts smuggled gallery illegally from Egypt.
Fox News
Two new tombs found last month in Saqqara necropolis shows that vast stretches far below exhibits the ground.