Atmospheric Pollution

We also define atmospheric Pollution or conhecidacomo Pollution of air, as any substance or energy that comes to modify aspropriedades of this atmosphere, affecting, or being able to affect, the health of the espciesanimais or vegetables that they depend or they have contact with this atmosphere, or mesmoque comes to provoke modifications physicist-chemistries in the mineral species quetenham contact with it. Estetipo of pollution is in part consequence of the action of the man, therefore introduzemprodutos toxics and chemistries in the environment. Aqueima of fsseis fuels propitiates the release of carbon monoxide, quecorresponde the great one numbers of set free pollutants in great metropolises. Dixidode sulphur nitrogen, dioxide, acid nitric, sulfuric acid ehidrocarbonetos are other pollutants that contribute for this type of pollution. Comosintomas of this atmospheric pollution we can present irritation of respiratory evias mucosae, cancers, alteration of water and ground, corroses deconstrues and monuments, thermal inversion, effect of greenhouse and dacamada ozone destruction are some consequences of the action of these. Thus, it is important to review our attitudes individual to ecobrar of our representatives and superiors referring attitudes to the quality to donate..