Loureiro Musical

It serves to guarantee the studies linguistic and its success, not being able to leave of side the capacity to improve the musical expression of the children, beyond collaborating with the humanizao of the individuals, becoming them more sensible, creative and reflective. Maria Almeida Loureiro brides affirms that: She means that the paper of the school in the study of the musical culture is basic, therefore in it, as mediation lands, will be able to occur the exchanges of personal, intuitivas and differentiated experiences. From there the necessity not to lose of sight the practical cultural musical comedies that answer the social movements and that go beyond the walls of the school but that they reflect, more early or later, in the interior of the classroom. (LOUREIRO, 2010, p121). Considering the ideas of Loureiro, music exerts important paper in the school, therefore it is justified by the development of the human being, by means of the awareness of the interdependence between the body and the mind, the reason and sensitivity, aesthetic science and. (Loureiro, 2010, p.142) With this, it perceives that music cannot be dissociada of practical the daily ones of the pupils, time that the musical activities who sing involve it, the poetry, the movement and the improvisation, already are part of the environment of the children, in the familiar way or are of it. Rhythmic music and poetries must have place in prominence in the linguistic education, therefore they also help in the development of the reading and in the affective and social part.

We can think about music as powerful instrument in the education, not only in the linguistics, therefore through its use we stimulate an area of the brain not developed among others languages verbal and writing. Moreover, music improves the capacity of concentration and potencializa the memory. The work with musics and known poetries of the children brings a good result in the development of the learning as a whole.