Nursing Health

However, in the present time, if she made necessary a change of paradigm concerning the practical one of the management and the exercise of the power, that in accordance with Spagnol (2000) do not pass of images and esteretipos of the figure of this professional, that historically they had been constructed throughout the time, and that currently, need (DES) to be constructed to construct new relations of work in the health and the nursing. In this new perspective, the principles of the theories are inserted contemporaries of the administration, who considers the organization centered in the work in team, with reduction of the hierarchic lines and the vertical communication. However the nurse must develop leadership abilities, mainly for the formation of teams in organizacional level. To carry through an effective conscription, to keep a functional group, coeso and to guarantee one practical one of high quality, which depends on the successful estruturao of a team. Therefore, if an administrator guides, dirige and motivates, is a leader, fortifies the others, destarte all administrator must be a leader, therefore as he infers Foucault (apud POGREBINSCHI; 2004, P. 182), ' ' The power transits for the individuals, does not apply they … the power transits for the individuals that it constitua' '.

Michel Foucault in all its historical context in them brings a reflection concerning the power, to identify what it produces in way to the space between lineses them its concepts and to become significant challenge in way this. Pogrebinschi (2004) makes a discretion as metodolgicas notes foucaulteana on the diversities of the power. Primordially it is told the beginning of the locality, where the power is in the forms and its local institutions. In the following principle of the exterioridade or of objetivao, what It is treated not to analyze the power in the level of the intention or decision, but yes to study it under the perspective of its externalidade, in the plan of the contact that establishes with its object, with its field of application.