The Directions

Such instances are not useful only together the proposals fixed, but for itself also same and in its proper properties. Bacon tells the following example to demonstrate the applicability of this instance: the case of the gold in relation to the weight; of the iron in relation to the hardness, of the whale in relation to the size of the other animals, the dog in relation to its refined olfato, of the inflammation of the powder in relation to the violent explosion, and similar things. The next instance is of the itinerantes or articulated way or instance, this instance according to Bacon, is the ones that indicate the movements gradual uniforms and in the nature. This sort of instances escapes more to the comment that to the directions, therefore is amazing the recklessness of the men its respect ' '. (NOVUM ORGANUM, Book II, Aphorism XLI). Bacon displays in these instances that ' ' homens' ' (researcher) they only study the nature at intervals or periodically and when the bodies already are finished and complete, and not in its operation. To understand this instance Bacon &#039 cites the following example; ' in the inquiry on the vegetation of the plants, it is necessary to start for the seeds, observing them almost daily, embedded, and removing them of the land, the two, to follow after three, to be able to understand in that way and where moment the seeds start to swell and to intumescer themselves, to full themselves of spirit; later, to breach the covering emitting the first sprouts for are of the land, if these will not be hindered for the hardness of the land; to verify itself of that way if launches the staple fibres, with the roots for low, as the branches for top, that to the times if they arrest laterally, if the land it facilitates thus it, and thus for diante' ' (1992, P. . .