The Subject

The familiar importance in the development of the deaf person or the listener is unquestionable. It is in this institution that initiates the base for the citizenship of the man. 2.A FAMILY: BASE FOR FORMATION OF the IDENTITY the importance familiar in the educational process it is unquestionable. It is depending on the relation that if is constructed in the familiar way that if they reflect the personality, the behavior and the actions of these children. The recognition of this institution in the educational process also is foreseen in the LDB, when demanding that it has a joint between family and professors for the efetivao of the learning process and aid of its social development, as well as, creating a partnership, with the specialized jobs, taking precious decisions on the treatment with the deaf person. In research made on the subject, one also uncovered that in diverse countries and in Brazil, although the proposal bilingual if to limit to few centers and schools, due to acceptance of the POUNDS as 1 language of the deaf people, many results of this union between parents, professors and institutions, had made with that the educational attendance was satisfactory. The families need to acquire knowledge each time more than, so that its children can demand its participation in the society is necessary that this if makes to understand before the society listener and the more early the deaf person will have contact with the Language of Signals, its necessary linguistic ability to the communication will be acquired. Of this the form the conception of deaf only passes of a pathology to be considered as one ' ' difference, ' ' will take it the insertion in a community, also the proper deaf community, which that exactly minority, has equivalents capacity and potentiality of the communities listeners, inside of its context. Different of the case of the deficient ones that they possess families who reject the POUNDS, therefore these finish harming the proper children in the search of the identity of each one of them, for not possessing a referencial of support and familiar base.